
RAILBUS Legitimicy

RAILBUS, a pioneering startup, is on a mission to create the world’s first fully solar-powered mass transit system. Supported by an international community through a unique crowdfunding initiative, RAILBUS has made significant strides towards making this vision a reality. 

Despite this progress, some detractors have circulated false claims, labeling RAILBUS as a scam. These claims fall apart when closely examined especially when considering the substantial effort and transparency RAILBUS has demonstrated over years of development.

Here are 12 irrefutable proofs that RAILBUS is authentic and trustworthy:

1. Legal Registration in Delaware

RAILBUS Inc. is officially registered in the State of Delaware, under the number 4623510. This registration can be publicly verified on the Delaware State government website. 

Simply searching “RAILBUS” will confirm its legitimate status.

To Verify RAILBUS Registration Click Here

2. UITP Membership ​

RAILBUS stands out as one of the select startups to gain membership in the International Union of Public Transport (UITP), a testament to its innovative approach to enhancing public transportation globally. 

RAILBUS’s membership underscores its significant contribution and potential to revolutionize the transit landscape. Verify RAILBUS in UITP Members List:  (Find RAILBUS on Page 51.

3. Collaborations with Governments ​

A testament to its credibility and innovation, RAILBUS has initiated Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with governments, beginning with Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA). 

These agreements highlight the interest and belief in RAILBUS’s potential to transform public transport. Coverage of these significant partnerships can be found on various news platforms. 

Read about the RTA Agreement and Additional Coverage at:

4. Recognition in Literature ​

RAILBUS is prominently featured in “New Era of Green Public Transportation,” a pivotal book by Harry Bramwell that explores cutting-edge solutions in sustainable transit. 

RAILBUS’s inclusion highlights its role as a leader in the field.

You can find the book on various Amazon stores (Click below):

5. Global Events Participation ​

RAILBUS actively participates in significant global events focused on transportation and sustainability, presenting its unique solutions and connecting with industry stakeholders, members, and investors. 

These events serve as vital platforms for direct engagement with the broader RAILBUS community and showcasing its pioneering technology.

6. Headquarters and Showroom Presence

RAILBUS maintains a prominent presence with its headquarters and showroom located in Dubai Silicon Oasis, underscoring its tangible commitment to innovation in sustainable transportation. 

Visitors are welcome to schedule meetings to experience RAILBUS firsthand or engage with the team via their contact numbers in Delaware (Tel: +1 302 725 3185) and Dubai (Tel: +971 4 338 8962).

7. Third-Party Reviews ​

RAILBUS’s innovative approach has attracted attention and reviews from reputable third parties, offering an unbiased perspective on its potential and impact. 

Read:  A Day at the RAILBUS Showroom: My Experience as a Prospective Investor

Also, a notable comprehensive review is available below.

8. Supportive Global Community ​

A robust and engaged community of global members and investors backs RAILBUS, demonstrating widespread support and belief in its vision for a sustainable transportation future.

9. Verified Site Reputation ​

RAILBUS’s legitimacy is further affirmed by positive verification on the reputable site reputation platform “IsLegitSite,” reinforcing its status as a trustworthy entity in the online domain. Verify RAILBUS on IsLegitSite:

10. High Social Media Ratings ​

RAILBUS enjoys high ratings and positive reviews across various social media platforms, reflecting the public’s trust and satisfaction with its innovative solutions and vision for the future of transportation. 

Find RAILBUS reviews on Facebook at:

11. Three Years of Continuous Development ​

Over the past three years, RAILBUS has shown a consistent track record of development, evolving from a concept to a near-reality. 

This period has been marked by significant technological advancements, strategic partnerships, and growing recognition in the field of sustainable transport.

12. Transparent Communication ​

RAILBUS maintains open and transparent communication with its members, investors, and the public. 

Regular updates, and direct engagement via official channels highlight the company’s commitment to honesty and clarity throughout its development journey.


Is RAILBUS a Scam? Absolutely not. RAILBUS is officially registered in Delaware, has its headquarters in Dubai, is a member of UITP, and meets numerous other credibility criteria detailed here.

In conclusion, RAILBUS stands as a beacon of transparency and information dissemination in the realm of innovative transportation solutions. 

With a wealth of resources, updates, and a clear roadmap outlined on this website. RAILBUS ensures stakeholders are well-informed about significant developments and upcoming milestones. 

While RAILBUS presents a remarkable opportunity for those looking to get involved at an early stage, it acknowledges the inherent risks associated with startup investments. However, RAILBUS has structured its investment offer to significantly minimize financial risk for early investors, showcasing its commitment to both innovation and investor security.